Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Becoming One with Each Other

Growing up, I always had to share things with my twin brother, Charlie. We shared a room, toys, games, and attention. He was always by my side, and I mean that quite literally. Apart from school, we were always together...at home, at the dentist, the doctor...everywhere!

Nowadays, he is always by my side, in a figurative sense. I know that I can always call on him. We talk almost every day on the phone, and at least through text messages. We share things with each other, like what is going on in our life, an article that interests us, or an experience that we may laugh or think about together. We don't share a room or toys any more, but we do share life together.

In John 15:14-21, Jesus tells the disciples, as he is saying goodbye to them and giving them his final words, that another advocate is coming alongside them. This is the Holy Spirit, the presence of God with us. The Greek word for this is paraclete. This word means "one who has been called to our side," one who has been called to defend us and stand up for us. This is different than a warm and comforting Spirit, although certainly God is with us in a personal way like that as well. In this way, as the advocate or paraclete, we can be sure that God is actively on our side, defending and being with us.

The advocate is not simply a personal feeling of God with you, although it is that. The Holy Spirit is a force on the move...think of a lawyer defending their client, a detective searching for the truth in mysteries. And Jesus says in this passage, that God is sending another advocate. Of course, the first one is Jesus himself. In the same way, Jesus is not only a calming presence with you, but a force on the move. Think of him sharing meals with outcasts and sinners, flipping tables in the Temple, healing, preaching, teaching...Jesus was and is also a force on the move.

Another word play for you, that may help clarify the meaning of this passage. What confuses me is what Jesus means by saying "in you.." What does it mean when Jesus says "I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you"? A quick look at the Greek meaning of this phrase reveals that it can also mean "among you." I will be among you." This also takes some of the emphasis away from the personalized "warm and fuzzy" Holy Spirit and the individualized perception of the Holy Spirit being" you."  God is with us. 
God with

The title of this upcoming sermon on Sunday is "Becoming One with Each Other." This title is an attempt to reflect the corporate sense of God being with us. When we receive Holy Communion together, as I bless the elements of bread and wine, I will pray that God makes us, by the power of the Holy Spirit, "one with each other." Just as we receive Communion together, God is among us, together.


Of all the Spirit's gifts to me,
I pray that I may never cease
to take and treasure most these
three: love, joy, and peace.

The Spirit shows me love's the root
of every gift sent from above,
of every flower, of every fruit,
that God is love

The Spirit shows if I possess a
love no evil can destroy,
however great is my distress,
then this is joy

Though what's ahead is mystery,
and life itself is ours on lease,
each day the Spirit says to me
"Go forth in peace!"

We go in peace but made aware that,
in a needy world like this, our clearest
purpose is to share love, joy, and peace.

*United Methodist Hymnal, 336

In Christ,


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